Your busy weeknights are about to get so much easier!
1 Month
4 delicious dinner recipes every week
Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
Complete shopping list
Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
Bonus recipes
Valid for one month with no ongoing subscription
3 Months
4 delicious dinner recipes every week
Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
Complete shopping list
Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
Bonus recipes
Valid for 3 months with no ongoing subscription
4 delicious dinner recipes every week
Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
Complete shopping list
Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
Bonus recipes
Valid for 12 months with no ongoing subscription
*To be billed for the first month, 6 months or 12 months. At the end of the initial billed period, subscriptions will automatically renew to be billed in accordance with the initial price of the subscription. If you cancel your subscription during the prepaid period, you will receive access to the membership until your prepaid date.