
Enjoy STRESS FREE Weeknight Dinners 

with our meal planning service

Hey There! Does any of this sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be like this!
Eliminate the meal plan overwhelm and gain back your time and energy.
With The Dinner Planner your busy weeknights are about to get so much easier.

We get it! Life is busy, and your time is valuable.

 At The Dinner Planner, we believe your precious time should be spent doing what you love. 

 We just happen to love meal planning.

Our Story

Hi there, I’m Fiona. Passionate foodie, meal planner extraordinaire and I’m looking forward to being your assistant in the kitchen, something we could all use. My assistant of choice would be a cleaner who followed behind me, tidying up my mess (I still haven’t managed to get any of my 3 kids to do this yet).

For as long as I can remember, I have always meal planed. Well, most of the time. It’s something I really enjoy. But even for me there has  been some times when life has been crazy, I have been time poor and yes, even some weeks when I couldn’t be bothered. Sound Familiar? When the kids went to school and I went back to work, finding time to meal plan got harder and harder – there were not enough hours in the week or I didn’t have the headspace. I turned to meal kits and they were fantastic! I loved not having to think for a few meals a week. But they were expensive, we didn’t have leftovers and I still had to grocery shop. The biggest problem they solved was not having to think for a few nights a week. They also didn’t fit into our budget to have every week . So I had to make time to meal plan. I also knew I wasn’t alone! Everyone I spoke to about it had similar feelings. 

There had to be another way! And now there is.

I now get to spend my days doing what I love. We have a chef and nutritionist help create all our meal plans. And I get to devour cookbooks make a mess in the kitchen testing recipes. My hope with TDP is that you get to spend your days doing what you love and not stressing about what’s for dinner.



How it Works

You’ve got mail

Every Thursday you will receive and email with your meal plan for the following week. You’ll also receive a meal prep guide to show you how you can save even more time. Winning!

Serving size

Whether your cooking for 2 or catering for a party, all our recipes come with customisable serving sizes. Open each recipe and make it yours.

Your shopping list

Automatically created from your meal planner with everything you need for your dinner plan. Remove any items you already have at home. Do you have more shopping to do? Of course you do! Use this list and simply add everything else you need for the week. You can now print off your shopping list or view on your phone.


Shop how you want, when you want (before Monday will be handy) and where you want. The choice is yours.

Get in the Kitchen

Step into the kitchen and whip up a quick, nutritious meal without all the stress that normally goes into planning dinners.

It really is that easy!

Why You’ll Love The Dinner Planner

Be inspired with cuisines from around the world.

Say goodbye to boring food and hello to delicious weeknight dinners that are easy to make.

No more supermarket stress.

Forget walking the aisles not knowing what to get. And no more extra trips to the shop. You got your list and you are set for the week!

You are going to have so much more free time.

Now, the question is – what are you going to do with it?

Your busy weeknights are about to get so much easier!

Every week you will receive a delicious meal plan delivered straight to your inbox and ready for you to make your own. Along with helpful tips on how to make you weeknight dinners even easier (and some surprises along the way).

1 Months

$ 19
  • 4 delicious dinner recipes every week
  • Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
  • Complete shopping list
  • Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
  • Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
  • Bonus recipes
  • Renewed monthly*
  • Stay Flexible, cancel anytime*

6 Months

$ 99
  • 4 delicious dinner recipes every week
  • Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
  • Complete shopping list
  • Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
  • Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
  • Bonus recipes
  • Renewed every 6 months*


$ 190 Only $3.65 per week!
  • 4 delicious dinner recipes every week
  • Adjustable serving sizes to suit singles, families and even large celebrations
  • Complete shopping list
  • Recipe library for adding extra dinners to your plan
  • Meal prep guide to save you time in the kitchen
  • Bonus recipes
  • Renewed annually*
best value

*To be billed for the first month, 6 months or 12 months. At the end of the initial billed period, subscriptions will automatically renew to be billed in accordance with the initial price of the subscription. If you cancel your subscription during the prepaid period, you will receive access to the membership until your prepaid date.